Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends [John 15:13]
The Greatest Morale Booster

Boosting Morale of Courageous and Patriotic Law Enforcement Officers

through the Greatest Morale Booster & tangible Morale Boosts
Help Us Serve
Encourage discouraged LEOs Boost morale effectively Help us share the Real Jesus with LEOs

Put your support for LEOs into Action

Verbal and physical attacks on Law Enforcement Officers are common in big cities, counties, and the border; and, unlike those in other professions, LEOs can't defend themselves. Most of the time, they have to "take it". But we, who support them, don't have to take it. We can fight back by encouraging our great Officers, Deputies, and Agents. Help us encourage them with a tax-deductible donation. Less than $4 will boost the morale of a discouraged LEO somewhere in America where most Americans wouldn't visit, let alone work. Jesus Backs the Blue! How about you?

Donate Today

Christ served and laid down His life for us 2000 years ago

LEOs serve and risk their lives for us TODAY

Boosting morale since 2015

60+ LEO Stations reached

Over 11,000 LEOs served

LEOs we Encourage
Light Pen for Police Officers and Sheriff Deputies

Light Pens for our LEOs encourage them every time they use them.