Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends [John 15:13]
The Greatest Morale Booster

We call them Morale Boosts

Delivered by mail or in person
Courageous Officers of the LAPD Horse Patrol

Courageous Officers of the LAPD Horse Patrol

20 brave Officers and 30 great Horses serve during riots and protests

Whittier CA PD

Whittier CA PD

Grateful for healthy snacks, to be followed by light-pens, Peacemaker Bibles, and thank-you cards.

Agents in Calexico CA

Agents in Calexico CA

A few Agents and National Guard troops are grateful for light-pens, children's artwork, and snacks.

LAPD Horse Patrol

LAPD Horse Patrol

Grateful for several morale boosting items sent to them via their exemplary Chaplain

Visit with LASD Compton Deputies

Visit with LASD Compton Deputies

Tough Deputies line up in front of a banner we delivered to encourage them every day in their briefing room

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Help us Boost Morale of Law Enforcement Officers

Help us Boost Morale