Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends [John 15:13]
The Greatest Morale Booster

We call them Morale Boosts

Delivered by mail or in person
Orange County Sheriff Deputies, Stanton CA

Orange County Sheriff Deputies, Stanton CA

On a very hot, August afternoon, a large group of Morale Boosters visited the OCSD Stanton station (a busy but often overlooked station) to encourage hard working Sheriff deputies. Stanton is a rough…

El Centro Sector Agents

El Centro Sector Agents

Our first major boost for the US Border Patrol was in the El Centro CA Sector. This sector is southwest of San Diego and covers much of the California border and interior. We connected with Mike, the…

Calvary Chapel Westgrove Signs 4 Banners for Police

Calvary Chapel Westgrove Signs 4 Banners for Police

In Spring 2021, Morale Boosters' Treasurer, Barb, asked her church, Calvary Chapel Westgrove, if she could have banner signings at the church for nearby Police Departments. Morale Boosters sponsors…

ICE San Diego, Women's Shooting Event

ICE San Diego, Women's Shooting Event

Tenacity paid off! One of the biggest challenges of this ministry is finding a contact within an agency to offer a morale boost. ICE was one of the most difficult. But finally we found Agent Trish.…

DC Metro Police

DC Metro Police

An officer from Washington DC Metro Police found us, Morale Boosters, through an internet search. He emailed this request for our help with raising the morale of his fellow officers: "In the area I…

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Help us Boost Morale of Law Enforcement Officers

Help us Boost Morale